Thursday, July 01, 2010

Define Me

We are defined by so much. Sometimes it we have control over it, sometimes it's due to others' perception but more often than not, we have a part in their formation.

It's the things we choose to say, or not say; the things we do, or don't do. When we pick a shirt over another, the shirt probably looks nicer on us. When we choose a brand over another, maybe because it creates its products with careful consideration of how it affects the Earth, we are sending a signal that we care about the Earth. When we spend our time reading and learning about things that interest us, we are pulling the values that matter to us into the world's attention, defining culture and beliefs.

I guess what I am trying to say is so much of what we do everyday has a great impact on everything around us. Whether it's the stuff we buy, the time we spend - all that has a way of changing the world - and that in turn defines us. Everything we do and the choices that we make, have consequences, whether we choose to think about them or not.

I think it's silly that I think too much, maybe more than I wish I did. But all this makes me realise that I have a hand in changing everything around me and the person I become. I am responsible for my time on this Earth, to the people I love and whom I spend it with; to the words and thoughts that I say and put out there; to my energy and passion and the things I live for.

I hope that my existence makes a difference and that I will always be big-hearted to do the right thing.


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