Tuesday, June 29, 2010

May I Win $37


Yesterday it was World Cup at Qiqi's place. Netherlands bullied Team Slovakia, who played spiritedly. I was quite angry with Netherlands for that. We had McDelivery as planned and waiting for the next match was a bit of a torture. Brazil went up against Chile which was also a rather disgusting match.

Just finished watching Paraguay and Japan and I'm sad that Japan lost. But both these teams are terrible and they will get eaten alive by either Portugal or Spain. Both Portugal and Spain are performing very well - tactics and formation are clearly in play. I am of course rooting for Portugal but I will be sad to see David Villa leave this World Cup.

As usual Portugal is playing very very well. They are getting better. They just need to score cos thus far, they've only scored against North Korea.

May Portugal get through this round and this will allow me to collect $37 from the Singapore Pools tomorrow.


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