Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Getting Balance

I've been kind of busy with all sorts of rubbish ever since cheerleading ended. In fact I've been trying to get back my balance in life. I was just a little bit lost after that but Beachout kept me really busy. And so are the other events in hall. And studies. Grrr... I actually have assignments. I don't even remember doing this much in Sem 1!

Anyway I have a bit of a side project going on that's taking a bit too much of my time but I'm rather proud of it. The number of people who visit it everyday has been rather encouraging so let me introduce everybody to the Hall 12 Unofficial Photo Collection! It's great stuff and I don't know why I suddenly got the idea to get something like this done. In a way it's my way of experimenting with content, putting stuff out there and seeing if the fish will bite. It's a learning experience and an extension of my blogging "career". I also get to put a lot of things that I've learnt into practice. As of now it's visited by more than 50 pairs of eyes daily and I'd like to thank Wei Fang and Daniel for putting the website on their MSN nicks! I hope this little project of mine will go a long way.

Britney Spears has a lot of drama in her life.

Doing work is boring, so boring that when I have baby rabbits to play with I just cannot get down to doing work. I've never played with animals before and this I felt so attached to the little thing! I love animals but I've always been a bit scared of them - sharp nails and teeth and all. I've taken a couple of photos with the furry thing and I think I want to buy one for keeps!

Tuition and school is getting a little hard to balance. Sigh.

Playwriting is the most exciting elective. It's scary and new and unpredictable but it's fun. I get hit by major inferiority complex when I'm there all the time. It's not a very... helpful feeling to be feeling but it's too late to do anything than soldier on!

I dyed my hair yesterday but the colour isn't very obvious.

I need help from NUS students once I've got my survey done! Thanks for the tip Carrie!

Friendship should be easy.

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