Friday, February 01, 2008


I really appreciate people who come visit my blog. Somehow I feel it's a way of concern, like you bother, care, give a damn, or at least what's going on here entertains you. Yeah I sure hope it does!

Playwriting started off rather intimidating, but I'm beginning to like it a lot. I especially enjoyed today's session because I got to take part in it rather than being just a spectator. One reason was of course a lot of people were absent. Anyway, it's great working with different people. They've all opened my eyes and made me see so much more. Writing is not just words on the paper. It's about life. I heard a fantastic poem written by Daniel today. If there's an opportunity and if he'd let me, I'll post it up here. I don't know why I just felt that I could really relate to it. We did a lot of reading (aloud) and acting today. Somehow I've grown more confident of myself during this session, probably because I had a chance to try different things. Also I'm slowly learning to form my own interpretations of stuff, which is really important across this module and COM 206 especially, where we learned to tell stories with photographs yesterday. Everything is deliberate. Details are not spared. To be trained to think like that is rather new for me and I'm just getting used to it. I'm just happy I've grown a lot from this session.

There was a Hall CNY dinner at Jumbo Seafood restaurant not long ago. Pics from there coming soon, as long as the laptop doesn't die on me.

Yesterday the Cheerleading Team had a get-together and it was really cool seeing all of them again. Mun Chun and Yayun are thinking of forming a rather permanent team and that would mean putting time and effort into the cause. Straight up - I would. Although it might take my time away from other things I feel that it's something I enjoy and I'm on my way to doing well in it. Also the fact that was impressed upon me was that it was a teamsport. Everyone has to work tightly together. It only looks good when all of us are at our best. So it makes everyone in the team really unselfish, very helpful and encouraging. Yesterday they set up the projector and showed a video of our various contributions to HO and thos flashing images reminded us of all the hard work we've put in. It would be great for us to come together in the near future to put up another performance for all.

There're a whole lot of assignments to be done and they are all due either before CNY or directly after. It's more important to enjoy CNY than it is to get good grades... Okay, maybe not, but still I won't let academic work get in the way of this huge annual celebration.

It's going to be one hectic weekend.

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