Saturday, June 17, 2006

World Cup

Okay, so everyone knows, especially my bestest friends Mak and Jie Yu, that I don't like soccer. So these two soccer fanatics have never attempted to bring up the topic. Well, at least almost never! Haha, and both were kind of shocked to hear that I've been watching some matches.

I'm still not a fan of football. I've got to say that much. It started way back when I was in Primary School. I was hardly good at it, I didn't find it very interesting. Who am I kidding! I hated the sport. There were so many people going after one ball, tackling, roughing it out... My idea of a sport was a non-contact one. Of course, now I've grown up and matured and stop being so critical of other sports, and at the same time got to take a liking to sports in general.

And maybe betting. LOL.

The first match I watched was England versus Paraguay. The first half was rather interesting, till they decided to maintain their 1-0 lead and not do much attacking! I thought Lampard and Gerrard did decently well.

I liked their playing. I'm not too good at all the technicalities of soccer, so forgive me for my mistakes if I have any! The good thing about watching an English match was that I knew almost all of the players by name. So in some way they were pretty familiar to me. For other teams I can hardly name 2 players even! But that's what happens when you only get involved in the World Cup season!

After that I made my first bet on a Brazil match. I can't even remember who they were playing against. Anyway, I won 7 bucks from that one! Haha! I'm not a big fan of Brazil and that match was at 3AM so I couldn't catch it.

I think yesterday's match was the most decent one I've ever caught. Not that I've been watching many so far, but those that I've sat through deserve to be documented. It was Argentina's 6-0 win over Serbia! I had a great time watching that match because my friend actually betted 200 bucks on it, for Argentina to take the lead during the first half of the game. I betted a modest 10 bucks. Nonetheless, I shouted out rather loudly when the first goal was scored!

I know the hot favourite to come out and play on the field after a substitution was Messi, but I can't help but be in awe of both Cambiasso (who was also subed!) and Saviola. I don't know how good they really are but I just enjoyed watching them play. Was quite doubtful of Cambiasso when he stepped in but he proved himself with that fantastic goal, which was probably the one I thought was most fab out of the 6!

Er, so my total earnings stand at 13 dollars! Haha... I'm looking forward to watching tonight's Portugal match if I can because there's Cristiano Ronaldo! I think he's damn cool.

Don't get me to comment on skills (that kills as Charles would say) because I don't know shite about those. All I can say is that that guy looks damn cool with the ball and he looks like he's handling the game with class. Such vague and un-soccerish terms! But watching the match together with yesterday's standby teams which couldn't book out was really a cool bonding session too. Heard that the 12AM match was good, but I didn't watch it because I just really wanted to sleep.

Hmmm, I think I'll stop betting once the group stages end. It's the thrill of the win. I do like the sport if I see players I recognise! I'm so not addicted. To betting that is.

This entry's kind of a mess. =p
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