Monday, April 07, 2008

Against the Wall

I want to smash something.

I don't mean smashing stuff randomly.

I want to smash something into people's face and get them to wake up. Hell I wouldn't mind if someone smashed my face to wake me up from this nightmare. This nightmare of a project. What the fuck! The greatest thing is probably how I'll get the lowest marks because my individual work sucks, which probably isn't anybody else's fault except mine, but I don't see why I should be bearing most of the shit (along with YK). It's not as if work wasn't delegated. The stuff that came back was disappointing to say the least.

I've learned something though. That I should stop saying that I don't know how to do this, or I don't know how to do that. I do my work. It's just that sometimes I need more direction than others, being inexperienced and all. Constructive criticism helps.

I don't want to smash cake in your face. If I could get a brick, I'd throw it. If I could get scissors, I'd jab it. If I could get a pencil, I'd ram it.

In your fucking face.

There's a reason for skipping lecture. I need my rest. I mean everyone has motivations for the things they do, right? I don't want to be woken up and being told that this would not be done, and I that I have to do it, when I had already been told that I could have a peace of mind and stuff was going to get done. It turned out that when the two of you weren't around, we had to be the ones finalising everything. Printing it. Running about. Rushing it. Wasting fucking money. Which doesn't anger me more than the fact that the effort put in was unequal.

I'm not good at anything but at least I make things happen.


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