Thursday, August 09, 2007

Taipei 101

I've ran out of stamina to continue the entries on Taiwan so this'll be the last entry to wrap up the entire trip. It'll be short, it'll be brief and most importantly... it'll contain photos. Okay, I'm talking trash.


We visited Long Shan Temple.


And the 228 Memorial Hall. We had a rather long history lesson there by this lady in her mid-forties. It came to life with all the exhibits and I felt that I learnt a lot.


On the way back to the hotel...


You really wish you had a taste of this, don't you?


And here we are somewhere near the top floor of Taipei 101! The phone thingy is rather useful. At every section there's a number allocated so all you've got to do is punch it into the phone and it'll tell you what there is to look out for as well as a bit of background knowledge about the place.


The view was awesome, but I think there'd be much more to see in the day. You can't actually see things like the mountains and stuff like that!


We went to the 24-hour bookstore called Eslite. It's very near Taipei 101! And here's Terence posing with Stella. Her poster was black and white so I decided to shoot the entire thing in black and white too.


We had lunch at Xi Men Ding the next day. This place's called Curry Delight, and the food was one of the best I've tasted. Fantastic stuff. I ordered two servings because I was starving but I barely managed to finish them.


This is how they promote new TV dramas. Kind of cool... Something you don't see in Singapore.

I know this is a bit of anti-climax but that's it for the trip to Taiwan. I would like to go into more detail but it's too far back that I can't remember everything and anyway, there's blogging to be done about the present! I'd love to go back there in the future if given the chance. It's worth exploring one more time.
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