Saturday, March 22, 2008

Our New Aquarium


Two weeks ago, Jieming, Liqi, Bernice and I woke up early on a Saturday morning and took a shuttle bus ride from CCK to Qian Hu Fish Farm! The experience was really cool and definitely something to share. I was there quite a long time ago. I remember that when my parents used to bring my family there, we'd all whine and make a fuss about how we weren't interested in fishes but went along anyway because we had no choice. Of course in the end we had fun anyway!


The place was humungous and housed all types of fish. We actually started with 2 terrapins, but one of them died. After that we were inspired to get a fish tank full of fish. That was our purpose in going there.


We got to see lots of different animals, from crabs to snails to fishes!


We even got to play with the koi! It was bloody ticklish! After we snatched up a Molly, two red Swordtails, two Clown Loaches, two Guppies, a water snail, a terrapin and a whole lot of equipment... we went back and set up our tank!


Along the way, we lost a Guppy and a Swordtail. I have no idea how they died, but it is general consensus that they were both attacked the Molly. Or probably they weren't very healthy to begin with, because the rest of the fishes are still alive and have not been attacked. Liqi then bought 2 more Guppies and a suckerfish!

Ooh and before the swordtail died, it seemed that it left a surprise...


... by fertilising the female Swordtail! She might've been pregnant before we got her, but according to observation, that's highly unlikely! Haha...


And this is how our tank looks like now! It's fantastic to go back everytime and be greeted by these wonderfully active creatures. They provide a good distraction from work too! Haha... Hope they aren't too much of a distraction though!

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