Thursday, September 04, 2008

Turn Your Car Around, Find Your Way Back Home

I wish DND hadn't ended.

Cos now it just leaves me with time and space to emo about things that haven't been going right. Lots of things haven't been going right, just that I could choose to ignore them. Maybe I get involved in lots of stuff to escape from how sucky my life really is. Or how much of a mess I've made it. I'm stuck in a rut.

It's cold outside. It rained today. I'm listening to the Sheng Xia Guang Nian soundtrack that FSS (fellow Social Sect) sent to me. I'm supposed to help him come up with some piano music for his short film. It's pretty inspiring. It's great music.

But now all it's doing is making making me feel emo.

I hate that I'm stuck in a position I can't get out of.

I hate that I need people to acknowledge me. My presence. My skills. My everything. I just need affirmation. It's a crazy, horrible feeling to have to constantly fill that black hole of need.

What am I looking for?

Maybe I just need that few people that I can give my all to. And that I will get back in return. Maybe I found them, and I lost along the way. It's too late to think of what I've done wrong. And all the nasty secrets that I keep.

I need to turn my life around.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

盛夏光年 is a great movie and it goes with a strong soundtrack.

Sometimes you just can't pleased everyone, maybe at the end of the day it's good to be happy and you just need to answer to your ownself.

I'm sure you would find your way around.

James aka passer-by