Friday, June 22, 2007

Grateful For Everything

Yeah, sometimes just taking time out to be grateful for the stuff that you have just puts everything into perspective. Wealth is something that you can never get enough of but health is something that we take for granted. So take a moment to think about how your body, to quote Baz Luhrmann in Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen), is "the instrument you'll ever have". It freaked me out a lot when my colleague broke the news to me that her husband was diagnosed with colon cancer. It left me unsettled. I realised how fragile life is. I understand the importance of human relationships, which is probably why I spent the rest of the week keeping in touch with friends.

The time you have on earth only gets lesser as each day passes. This reminds me of a rather preachy post I wrote earlier in the month titled More More More. I'm not specially proud of it but I'm glad that it spurred some positive responses, so for those who found meaning in it, I guess we have some kind of connection.

I spent the week celebrating my good health. I went to taste good food at Ding Tai Feng and this chocolate place at the Esplanade on Monday, swam before teaching tuition on Tuesday, ran to Sembawang MRT station and back on Wednesday, played a couple of crazily intense games of badminton on Thursday and snuggling into bed early on Friday. Part of me exercises out of vanity, and I couldn't agree more when I read a Kelly Rowland quote on Life! a couple of weeks ago where she said that she worked out just so she would look good naked. The other part of me was looking for something to do during the time I would just spend staring into space if I didn't have things to do. The badminton game was so fun that I can't wait to go for another session with my colleagues again next Wednesday.

I had a good time catching up with all my friends, new and old. I met Sequeena at Simei MRT to get my backpack back from her after work, and we chatted for a short while before I went to meet Jie Yu for dinner.

There was a Sec 1/2 class outing organised for Wednesday, and I gave Junming a call. It happened that he had something on, and I already had plans that I was unwilling to cancel so both of us didn't go. This made me initiate a conversation with Jia Hui and Ben on MSN, just to find out how they were doing. They were my closest friends in class, and coincidentally, we are all going to NTU!

I talked to Chris on MSN as well. He's coming back to Singapore two days before I make my way to Taiwan! His birthday is on the 9th so he'll probably be planning a booze party for us (which I'm looking forward to) that hopefully I'll be able to attend when I get back!

Ming Boon also SMS-ed me about having a class outing. 03S10A is probably the only class that made me felt I was part of a class so the people who make it up are the ones I really hold close to my heart. I'll be really busy in the coming weeks meeting people and making preparations for my Taiwan trip. I think while scheduling my time to meet up with various people, I should also schedule some "alone time"! I probably only come home early once a week!

Ooh, and congratulations to Jie Yu for passing his driving test. I'll be looking forward to trips to cool places! Ahh, actually I'm grateful for being in the car of my friends who've ever driven me around before - public transport sucks. Weetz, Zhenhui, Shuming, Guo Fei, Fukang, TWJ... I hope the list continues to grow! Hahaha!

"Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you
should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography in lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young."
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