Wednesday, June 13, 2007



I went blading for the first time in my life at East Coast on Monday with Fukang.

He knew how to blade and obviously, being my first time, I didn't.

The thing I realised was that how much the experience was a metaphor for our friendship of almost 7 years. He gave me support when I was about to fall, helped me up when I was down and he waited patiently while I was trailing behind. After we graduated from secondary school, we must've met each other about 10 times, but everytime we do, it's as if time had stood still.

He's not smiling because he was having a fever that day. Or maybe he thinks the serious look works for him.

I was pretty much drenched in sweat within the first 10 minutes I was on roller-blades. Probably out of nervousness and the intense struggle of keeping my balance.

It was thrilling. Despite my discomfort I gave it my best shot. There was blood. But I've grown. I'm no longer the person hiding in the corner. It's not something to boast about but I feel that I'm more confident in my own skin, willing to try new things and I'm more afraid of not having attempted than facing failure.

It was just a simple blading session at East Coast but I've gained so much.

When was the last time you tried something for the first time?

P/S: I've just listened to Stranger for the 150 millionth time and I'm about to throw up but for some reason I can't stop. It's satanic.
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