Saturday, July 05, 2008

Silky Smooth

We put up our first show yesterday to much laughter. I'm glad it was even funnier for the audience than it was for us. I think the stage chemistry was great, especially in act 1. We all had rather endearing characters. I was also happy that someone said that Supei and my characters were funny. It was a big deal to me, especially since it was my first time in a play.

A big thank you to Colin, Weetz and Stanley for coming down! Sorry I didn't have time to meet you all in person after the show. To Samuel and his girlfriend... thank you for like long-time support as a friend and as a brother. Knowing that you were there in the audience "to support and not to judge" was comforting to say the least. To Benjamin and his friend Ron - it was a fucking huge surprise. I am amazed and in wonder of what a friendship that started close to a decade ago has become. We've probably met each other less than 10 times since I got booted from RV. But this is one of those... times. And lastly to Melvin, your presence was a huge encouragement as well. Hope all of you enjoyed the show.

2 more to go!


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