Friday, July 25, 2008

Somewhere Home

The time has come to give up on being a freshie and step up to become a senior. It's a strange transition because truly I think that being a freshie reallys gets you a lot of care and concern from the seniors!

It's going to be really exciting as we welcome the new blood of Hall 12. I'd like to extend a warm welcome to everyone who's joining our community and family. Hall 12 is my home away from home. It's where most of my friends in Uni are at (although WKWSCI FOC sort of changed it a bit!) and the people I spend most of my time with. The people are fantastically helpful and friendly and I'm sure you'll meet people who you will click and form friendships with. Hall is not just four walls. It's not just made up of rooms. It's made up of (noisy) young people, with hope, passion and ambition. You'll probably find people who share the same interests as you and fight it out with other halls during IHG, or organise some event for the residents in hall.

I've had an insane year working with tonnes of people as well as having an awesome time with all of them, just see >here!

Despite being welcoming, we're still a very exclusive group of people. We welcome the enthusiastic but it stops there. We like to ask people to join us in our fun, our partying, or gatherings. But we won't force people who don't want to. Despite whatever impression people have formed from hearing about other places Hall 12 isn't quite like that.

Bottom line being - we're welcoming the craziest, most talented, most happening, most enthusiastic of you into our Hall and we hope you guys, who'll probably make up near half of the very involved people in our community, will bring our Hall to greater heights and make Uni life a bit more spicier and memorable than it already is.


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