Friday, June 13, 2008

In The End

Tomorrow marks the last day of my reservist for this cycle. I used to look forward to ORD, now I look forward to ROD. It sort of breaks the momentum that I have in my life currently and that irritates the hell out of me.

There's also been a rollercoaster of emotions and states. I feel physically fitter after only a week, which just goes to show that no matter how often I exercise, it's never as intense as what it was when I was in NS. I think I've got the exercising bug again. Also, there's no other place that I feel less in control of the situation and I don't get to choose my level of involvement either. I feel proud to have done the mask run - always something for me to talk about that's slightly different from the normal kind of training.

The best thing is meeting up with friends that I haven't met up with for the longest time. Okay, so I've also had to come face to face with this fucker that I can't stand but then again you can't have all the good with none of the bad.

Tuesday after book out I had my first winning mahjong game with Guo Fei, Samuel and Ivan. Playing with them made my ICT much better. Winning was a bonus. That being said, my luck was ridiculously good. Everyone played even fiercer than usual, guarding against each other and throwing out really disgusting-looking cards. I just happened to draw tiles that sealed my win. I think we're down for another round tomorrow... hopefully I'll get lucky again.

Chris helped me wax my hair today just for fun. It looked bloody good. I couldn't bear to take a shower of it without taking a photo. I think I need to get a few tips from our resident hairstylist!

Ahhh... I could go on and on. All strenuous physical activities are cancelled which is why tomorrow will be less scary then expected. It's the last day and I can't wait.

I realise though, that I've got to stop letting things get in the way of living my life be it army or exams. Sometimes, I've got to look further.


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