Thursday, June 19, 2008

Rock and a Hard Place

There are certain things we can or cannot do; there are also certain things that I can or cannot say to you - we need to censor ourselves... there are limitations.

- The Minister's Wife ?!

I've been up to a lot recently. I've been engaging in a bit of deception, but then again, who goes through a day without dabbling in it? It's hard to pull wool over the eyes of those that you care about. But I take comfort in the fact that the truth reveals itself in time.

It's tough being judged. I've always been kindly critical, but everyone has different standards. In a couple of weeks I'll be up there and out there, in the view of many, under glaring lights.

It's a struggle. It's a struggle to look good when you're sick. I look like fuck. I've lost quite a lot of weight. I need to gain in back in the next couple of days.

No, I can't be insecure.

But what the hell. It doesn't matter. Regardless of what I've done, I've already found someone who loves me for who I am.

And that's enough.


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