Monday, June 30, 2008

Bringin' SchoolBack

I didn't set out to whine but this will probably turn out to be that kind of entry anyway.

I'm exhausted. I can't wait for school to start. I've had it with preparing for things. I want a fixed schedule. I don't want to travel more than 5 minutes. I want to have lots of cheap food to eat. I need to regain all my lost weight.

I'm busier during the holidays than I am during school. I miss school. School's nice and slack. It's a bit at-your-own-pace. After all you're being held responsibile for your results. Being in big productions is different (TMW ?!, WKWSCI FOC). There's the reputation of everyone else involved. Playing a small part makes a big difference. So I want to make it work but it's been crazy. Unbearably crazy.

These days it's tuition/FOC meetings followed by rehearsals. I barely have time to chill out at home or in hall, and have 7 hours of sleep. I can't do anything about the comments on my skinniness or the dark eye bags. I get out of the house/hall at 9 and get back at 1230AM. It's a sick sick schedule that I'm running on.

Oh my hair's a different story though, I'm going to do something about it... soon! I love how everyone is shocked by my repulsive put-a-bowl-atop-head hair. It'll just make the change more drastic.

If you haven't gotten your tickets for The Minister's Wife yet, you know where to go. Because of all the rehearsals that we've been having, it's shaping up pretty well! Go for a good laugh, something a little unexpected and to support me. Very scary lar, my first time lei!

I'm sorry to the friends that I've wanted to meet this hols but haven't had a chance to yet. Considering the fact that it's about to end and there's only a month left, half of which will be taken up by camps, there's not much time left. I had a chance to meet up with the Hall peeps to celebrate Wei Fang's birthday last Friday so I was thankful for that. I missed out on Crystal and Qianqi's birthday over the weekend, regretfully. Still my mom's birthday is today so I'm off to celebrate it with a lunch at Jack's Place.



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