Anyway, so we went to Funan and there were tonnes of things to look at! It was insane. I have officially fallen in love with the small cute speakers of Creative. They used to cost $69 but after searching that place upside down, there's a shop which is selling it for $45! I wanted to get my hands on it desperately but exercised a bit of self-control. Also, I haven't fixed my mp3 player, so it'd be pointless to buy speakers for it.

But doesn't the red one just look bloody brilliant? It'll go with my Zen Micro perfectly and the sound quality is fantastic too. It's got cuteness and power all packed into one. Right, I shall stop raving about them, but I've waited so damn long to get them and haven't found the perfect chance to do so!
Mak and I walked around looking for deals for the LG DVD-RW drives and for his CPU. He had his own specifications and eventually he found a shop that could tailor the computer to his needs and the price to his budget. I had problem finding my drive but it didn't really matter because I already bought one. My mother wanted this other one to function as a 'reader'. Anyway, after that we took a long walk to Bugis. I don't know why Mak has to walk so fast! On the way, I met Daniel and Terence who were having some noodles. Didn't stay to talk to them much because Mak was still rushing around in front of me as I struggled to keep up with him.
Seoul Garden was pretty good, other than the fact that it was expensive. Also, the waitress who served us at the counter to Jia Yuan that he was shuai and looked like the actor from I Not Stupid (and Mak wondered during the entire time we were having our lunch if it was Shawn or Joshua). He was delighted at the compliment and for the first half an hour or so, he couldn't stop smiling. And I had a feeling the waitress was sorta peeping at him and came to our rescue when he accidentally turned off the fire! The meal was rather enjoyable - I managed to get the things that I wanted to eat, which was basically plenty of chicken, a couple of prawns and er... more chicken.
After that we went shopping and saw Daniel Ong (I strongly believe that I didn't see wrongly) and someone I think should've been Jamie. Oh heck, I couldn't really recognise her. We squashed ourselves through the crazily humid and crowded Bugis street and I saw plenty of CDs (going for an outrageous price of 7 dollars!) and a few nice shirts here and there. However, I overcame my urge to buy things and managed to walk through the entire stretch without taking out my money. We went to the temple but it was freaking crowded as well so we just paid our respects from the outside. We made our way back to Bugis Junction and contionued shopping around there. I went into Adidas and Mak said that he liked all the stuff in there. Actually I was already trying to gauge what stuff he was interested in when we were walking through Bugis, but I couldn't tell. In the end I got this horizontally blue-white stripped polo tee. He was bored when I was making my purchase so he stood outside, leaving me free ask for assistance from the salesgirl. I stupidly asked if she could remove the price tag when there was none because she took out a new shirt for me instead of taking the one on display. Good stuff.
After that we went to the National Library. I remembered that we were close but I had no idea where it was. It only took a bit of walking for us to get there, wasn't too lost.
The place is fantastic. The design looks cutting-edge. I've only seen it from the outside before and this time I could afford the luxury of time to entire the place to view it for myself. The outrageously tall ceilings and crystal clear windows gave a good view of the buildings outside, especially from the admin office which occupies the highest level.

The elevator was half-made of glass too. We saw a lot of precious Chinese literary objects and visited all the places we could. The Black Hole had yet to open while we were there and then there were restricted areas which we coulnd't enter. After that we managed to find a place full of greenery and had a great view.

And that would be the Intercontinnental hotel. It does look like a gorgeous place to stay. Also, the balcony like place was covered with a lot of greenery and even had a wooden stage set-up.

Looking at the sight was a relaxing experience. It's a great idea to have it there so that people who were stressed from studying or just needed some quiet time away from the books could bask in the terrific ambience of the faux natural envirenment. I returned two of my library books there but didn't manage to borrow any. Hmmm.

The two of us took a couple of photos using the timer. I realised that I had forgotten to switch the quality of the camera to that of a higher one and thus some of the photos turned out blur or grainy.
We passed by Gramaphone and that was when I couldn't resist my urge to buy something for myself. I got the album that I'd been discussing with my bunkmates about buying.

I just became a fan after hearing Colin perform This Boy, and then taking a listen to the rest of the songs, and after realising that a good few of them were on constant rotation on the airwaves, I just had to buy it. So there. (20 dollars! Argh!!!)
We then made our way back to Funan the IT Mall. It was insane because the shops started closing even though we were there way before their closing time. I got my DVD drive and 50 DVD-R discs while Mak got his CPU, which was freaking heavy. I was just telling him that it was worth its 'weight' in gold (ie the amount he paid for it). We ended up taking a cab. Before I alighted I told him that there were 4 bags of stuff he had to bring because he was sitting at the front and I was at the back. Anyway, that was when I told him the Adidas shirt was for him. Haha, not too bad a surprise eh!
I've finished listening to the Franz Ferdinand CD about 4 times and I must say it's growing on me. I liked the front half much better than the second half at first, but the tunes have started to hook me so much that I couldn't bear to change the disc even though it's on repeat for so long. I've got to say that my favourite off the album is still This Boy, followed by Walk Away and then Do You Want To and The Fallen. That's like the first 4 tracks. I'm sure I'll start liking the rest of the tracks even more once I've got the chance to listen to the CD again!
Oh man, booking in in 8 hours. Boo... hope to come online again soon!

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