Last night, I was surprised to find out that I would be on off today. Then Terence and Jeffrey, who happened to be on off with me, came up with the brilliant idea that we should visit NYJC today since we had nothing better to do. I was a bit nervous about going back to school because it has been some time since I've went back and I didn't know who I was going to look for.
Anyway, I told them I was going to be late for 15 minutes because my dad decided to cook lunch for me just as I was going out. However, the two of them decided to reach there on time and thus rendering me late, despite leaving my house a good half an hour before them. I had to walk all the way to the front gate too! The first thing we had to do upon reaching the guard station was to give our 11B for the guard to record our particulars and phone numbers. I must say it is quite weird to be treated as a stranger when I was once a student there.
The first thing I went to do was to collect my 'A' Level certificate. As I expected, there were many uncollected certificates in the office and mine was just one of the many there. However when I signed on the sheet of paper which verifies that I have collected my certificate, I realised that I was probably the last person in my class to have done it!

This was a banner which I saw at the Atrium (at least I think that's what it's called). It brought back tonnes of memories when I was part of the organising comittee for the Synergy concert of my batch. Unlike my year where we had two different concerts on two consecutive Saturdays, this year's Synergy consists of the same performance done twice. Basically all of the performing arts are going to put up one concert. The thing about this banner is that it was printed out, as compared to ours which was painstakingly painted by hand.
I started on this blog entry too late. I can't remember what we did in chronological order.
Anyway, we got to see the new gathering place for morning assembly (which if you can bother to make out is the scenery of the first photo). It gives the school a very spacious feeling as opposed to the years when we were in it - it was virtually a construction site. As we walked on, we saw the bloody nice gym and squash court. The new science labs looked ok. The CCA noticeboards were also done up rather well. Jeffrey and Terence met quite a few of their teachers, including Mr Lau, who used to be from the same unit as us! Oh, and they talked to the bookshop lady as well!
I had the lunch that I usually had if I were in NY. It was the Muslim food stall. Curry vegetable, hashbrown and a drumstick. It tasted exactly the same as it did 2 years ago! If there was one thing that hadn't changed, it would be food from that stall. After that we continued looking for teachers outside of the teacher's room.
The first person I saw was Ms Fernandez. She asked me which unit I was from and what I was going to study in Uni. I'm glad to see that she's still the same old her.
After that, to my surprise (I don't know why I'm the last to know, or that I didn't notice it when she hit my head when I was at Compass Point in January), but I saw that Mrs Michelle Tan was preggers!!! Why am I in the dark about it! I was rather surprised and was trying to get her to talk to me. I didn't dare to use the coms. So while Jeffrey was talking to his Chinese teachers, she happened to be walking about in the staffroom and I waved my hands desperately to get her attention! She saw me and took a long walk out to meet me!

She does look a bit different pregnant. We chatted about a whole lot of stuff, from the school to teaching and the new Bio syllabus, cars, times when I was studying for my As. She reminded me that I used to be a blur student and couldn't see the stuff that I was supposed to under the microscope during the practical, and all the effort I put in studying for the As. I'd write everything nicely in an exercise book and in the end it was lost. She remembered that even though I only had a vague impression of it happening!
I talked to her for almost an hour. I think there's going to be a class thingy to her house when she gives birth. Also the NYJC band is going to have a concert at Victoria Concert Hall on the 3rd of June. I'm wondering whether to be there. She's due to give birth on that date and would be taking maternity leave somewhere till September I think. Can't really remember all the details. I was really grateful to have the opportunity to catch up with her. Of course she also asked how the rest of our class was doing. Mrs Soh, my chem teacher walked past very quickly while I was talking to Mrs Tan, so I didn't get a chance to say hi to her. The other teacher that I very much wanted to meet was Mr Adrian Tan, but he happened to be busy. BOO.
After that Terence went to find his Chemistry teacher and I took a photo for them! We actually took photos of the other things that were in NY such as all the greenery and some statues just outside the art rooms. They really add a lot of vibrance to the school environement. All three of us were pretty envious that we didn't get to enjoy all the good stuff in our years in NY!

We took this photo at "The Great Wall", and you can see that there are 2 freaking tennis courts at the back! Sigh. The things that we didn't have!
After that we walked to Serangoon bus interchange. I took a train to Orchard and went shopping. I was looking for this unique piece of clothing (most of my friends should know what I'm looking for). Anyway, it's supposed to have a collar, buttons but no sleeves. I walked for almost 3 hours but didn't come across anything like that. The closest thing I saw was a hooded sleeveless shirt, which kind of reminds me of Jay's clothing on his first album. I was torn on whether to buy it but after the lecture from Daniel and Terence about my expenditure recently, I went home empty handed.
But that also means that I wasted my travelling money, with no accomplishment! BOO!

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