There Was A Boy

There was a boy
Young, trusting and innocent
He thought he knew right from wrong
Until he experienced being wronged
There was a boy
Who had an instinct that something was wrong
But he did not quite know how to face it
There was a boy
Who knew he was out of place
With the oceans and seas
The flowers and trees
Yet he defied them and screamed,
"Why tell me now that I don't belong,
In this place where I was brought up and born?"
He was faced with repercussions he could not imagine
When all he had done was ask a question
The oceans churned with tremendous force
The earth shook with no signs of remorse
The sky flashed painfully when lightning struck relentlessly
Again and again and again and again.
Terror filled the boy's eyes.
He was faced with repercussions he could not imagine
When all he had done was ask a question
He was reluctant to leave
But he had no other choice
He was faced with repercussions he could not imagine
When all he had done was ask a question
Then he realised answers didn't matter
His instinct had told him something was wrong
He had to leave it all behind
He was faced with repercussions he could not imagine
When all he had done was ask a question
There was a boy
Who looked for the calm after the storm
Who learnt that he could never escaped being wronged
Who knew that he should've trusted his gut
And left right from the fucking start
To this boy I say,
"You know that you've got to pay
For defying the heavens is your mistake
But bear with it
It'll soon be over
What doesn't kill you
Only makes you stronger."
There once was a boy
Young, trusting and innocent
Now his resolve was hardened
Those who crossed his path will not be pardoned
Accept the inevitable without question
And save yourself from suffering without reason
Life is unpredictable along with many of the things that come with it
Like friendships
Cherish them for the moment
Because you'll never know when they're gone
But even if they do
Put on a smile and move on
Some are for a season
Others are for a reason
And only time will tell...

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