There are sales there like crazy. First there's this sports shop beside Tower Records and the prices real good. However, the only things left are in pretty extreme sizes of XL. I wanted to buy a backpack very badly, but I controlled myself and didn't buy anything today! Other things that caught my eye was a very cool skipping rope which was going for $10. The one that I have in bunk is a bit too short and I really wanted to enjoy jump rope along with my bunkmates without having to feel troubled over the length of the bloody rope. Anyway, Wee Lee was looking for his trackpants and tried on quite a couple before settling on one with red stripes at the side. A rather good bargain - it costs $29.90 I think. After that we walked around and saw that there was a Moving Out Sale at TS (last day today!) and another sale at the ground floor for Fila.
After that we made our way down to the Esplanade. I enjoy going to there to check out the latest art works on exhibition. It was rather interesting although I didn't quite understand it. Looks real pretty too. Haha! The accompanying write-up on it was about art-forms and I didn't really get what it meant either. We sat down on the sofa and looked at the moving strips that formed the picture till we were rested enough to get someone to take a photo of us.

Looks rather grand! We then left for home. I fell asleep on the train, and laid there like a log. When I opened my eyes, I almost rushed out thinking that the yellow building was Causeway Point when I was at Sembawang! Very silly of me.
Well, haven't talked about this week in camp yet, so I'll just mention the happenings in brief. The Franz Ferdinand CD made its debut, and everyone got a listen to it, and the impact was having a couple of people go - do, do ya, do ya, do ya wanna - out of nowhere. Hilarious stuff.
Also, Kenneth, Samuel (who made us wait for him again) and I went for minibus night driving. Listened to the A Lot Like Love soundtrack on the discman and I've to say that it sounds fantastic. After that Sam and I listened to FF and I started singing aloud and sort of disturbed Kenneth who was trying to sleep. Not that my singing was bad though! He said something like, "I'm trying to get 30 minutes of sleep and here you are singing, and not letting me sleep. Can't you let me sleep in peace?" And I said, "Hell no! Don't sleep la, listen to me sing!"
Of course, that led to him er, undoing both my bootlaces and taking out the ball thingy that held the bootlace tight. And then my specs as well. One ball lost its spring and I had to get down and use my hands to search all over the bloody minibus before finding it! It was kinda crazy, hilarious bickering, that left all of us in stitches in the end. LOVES IT.
On Friday, I went out with 6 other guys to Hanabi, which is beside Coronation Plaza. I shared a cab with Samuel and Bryan, and we had fun talking a lot of cock to the taxi driver! I then went to withdraw $30 bucks, only to find that I had a mere $3.69 left in my bank account! I was touched that they offered to lend me money and all but I didn't do so. I'll find my way out of the problem! We had Jap buffet and it tasted really good. It still isn't exactly worth 35 bucks, but to be in the company of a few good friends, sharing jokes and just de-stressing after the freaking long week in camp sure made it all worth it.
Just realised that I actually bought a blue M and a red S T-shirt from Topshop. I was surprised that it was Small, because I remember wanting to take M. Luckily it fits, although it's er... hmm, a bit tight? Haha! Damn, preparing for book in soon. I'll be having duty on Friday and booking in on Saturday morning. Arh!

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