Dear Rain,
Your concert kicked off with a huge bang - brilliant displays of pyrotechnics timed to precision with your complex dance moves. I particularly loved the song you kicked off with - It's Raining - and wondered if you would be able to better it since I'm not very familiar with the rest of your works. But you kept it coming, be it the cheeky smile, demanding for louder cheers in exchange for taking off your sunglasses, or just flexing your famously well-muscled torso while being drenched by an overhead shower.
I was in awe of your singing too. It wasn't that amazing technically, but it was in tune and emotionally charged, especially In My Bed. The songs did come alive with your live singing - something I see as a huge bonus when tonnes of young acts mime their stuff like nobody's business.
They say that heroes are a reflection of who we want to be. They are our ideals of perfection. But you showed me that pain is not a weakness, and your determination to keep the show going was glaringly evident. When you clutched your arm in the middle of the furiously high-tempo choreography of I'm Coming, it casted some doubt in my mind if you would continue with the insane dance moves you did in the MV. Your right elbow was dressed in a painfully obvious flesh-coloured bandage. But you didn't once let your voice quiver; the look on your face was one of calm and cool. After another perfectly-excuted dance sequence, you held on to your arm again and again at intervals. My respect for you as a person and a performer multiplied a hundred-fold.
I left the concert entertained by the seemingly-endless pyrotechnics, awesome dance music and slick dance moves. I was impressed by your efforts to communicate with the aundience in complete English. You impressed upon us that this was the result of combined efforts of an entire team, and plenty of hard work. It's very easy to dismiss your success as a consequence of a whole lot of hype, but I think otherwise after being in attendance of your concert. I feel that I know you. You're a man who has his priorities right, with virtues and principles to match. The Asian qualities that are inspiring and lacking in many entertainers (yes, Britney I'm talking about you) right now are the things that I've gained from watching your performance.
May we meet again.
Yours sincerely (awed),

1 comment:
well written! wow.. you must have paid lots for the gig. i know nothing about his songs, but i read about his values and determination too. :)
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