I wonder if I was pushing myself too hard. My legs were still aching from work. Yeah, I'm still not used to standing 7 hours a day despite having already done so for the past 2 months. It was a breeze getting to Admiralty, but by the time I reached Sembawang, I was more than prepared to give up. I was quite disappionted at my state of physical fitness, and it was only the fear of disappointing myself further that kept me going. I was going out of breathe, my stomach hurt, and my legs refused to take bigger strides. Eventually I ran out of steam when I reached Admiralty again and walked the remaining distance back home. The noon sun didn't make things easier.
I remembered that back then, in the army, I'd get this crazy runner's high after such a run. But mostly I felt exhausted, in pain and dehydrated. Well, that'll teach me to make better preparations for my next run! There're just things that I took for granted then and have to take care of myself now. Yeah, it's a pity that there wasn't a water point along the way!
After half an hour I more or less cooled down from the run and camwhored a bit. I know I look horrible but it's only to be expected after all that running! Yeah, just to celebrate my first run with my sports mp3 player - NW-S203F -

I've checked the distance I ran and was amaze that I actually did 8km (already excluding the walk back from Admiralty), and that the total distance was 10km, something I felt that used to be comfortable with, and enough to give me the kick. The estimated distance on the mp3 player was rather accurate too!
I think I've finally found a training route!

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