Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Brothers & Sisters

I surprised myself at nearly tearing at a rather insignificant character making a toast just before leaving. I haven't had that feeling throughout the entire season of Grey's and not even on this show until this moment.

I guess I could relate to making hard choices like Julia did. But more importantly it's about leaving everything safe behind. Taking a step forward is a challenge, something one has to be brave about.

It reminded me of the times that I had to make tough decisions. And I used to think that I was a hero by having no regrets. But I realise that the step towards to perfection is realising that you are flawed and working on changing it. I realised that there are things that I regret but it doesn't change the fact that I took a step to make a difference.

It doesn't matter whether the choices turn out to be right or wrong, as long as there are people who love you, supporting you every step of the way.


"This move is one of the hardest decisions that I've ever had to make. But I've watched all of you make hard decisions in your lives. You've gotten through them by supporting each other and that's what you've done for me. I know you'll do that for Tommy too, whatever happens.

So really this is a toast to all of you, and to making hard choices.




mingy said...

wat happened to ur tagboard?!!!!
im back frm shanghai anyhows but i lost my voice... ask u out when im able to talk again. whats a bictching session when im unable to say a thing. ugh.

jason kyh said...

YES quick recover soon and let's MAKE IT HAPPEN!