Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Maritess vs the Superfriends

Maritess vs the Superfriends

It's a hilarious cartoon made with the purpose of educating people on the plight of foreign workers. It deals with things like sexual harrassment and expired visas. It was shown during lecture a couple of weeks ago when we were taught how the internet was used as the medium to educate people about issues in a friendly manner. I was only reminded of it when Ros and Melvin started imitating Maritess during one of theatre rehearsals. Random, I know. Anyway, it was memorable and I thought it was a great way to introduce problems in a non-serious manner! So check it out for a good laugh if you have the time!

"I think Batman's gay. He's always hanging around with the little boy Robin!"

Have fun imitating Maritess!
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