Sunday, October 01, 2006


I went over to Ryan's place in the morning to pass him the Sun Yan Zi limited edition greatest hits collecttion. It's as heavy as a mini-encyclopedie - not something to lug along to town! Anyway, we watched quite a bit of the DVD and I realised that I've seen Sun Yan Zi grow from the greenhorn that she is to someone who's in control of her career, and knows what she wants. I suppose all artists are like that! I said hi to his dad and was offered mooncakes! It was really good, just one of the reasons to look forward to the Mooncake Festival.

We went to town and walked around. My legs were still aching from the 8km run the previous day and it just made my legs feel worse. Window-shopping is fantastic, but it just increases the list of wants. Well, it's been a long time since I've done it, so I guess I didn't feel that sinful. After all, I didn't actually buy anything! I've got to save up for my upcoming Malaysia trip. Where I'd be owing people money. And going broke, again.

Anyway, we walked Far East before going decided to have dinner at Pastacafe.

It was a treat for my birthday. Shortly after these photos were taken, I handed the camera over to him to adjust some of the settings. However, there was a slip and the camera bounced partially into his pasta before crashing onto his seat! And there was pasta sauce over his shirt! I laughed when it happened but there was a mess. And then my camera was spoilt. I managed to fix it by banging the lens back into position. It'll only be a matter of time till it becomes completely unusable.

After that we visited HMV. I've decided - I'm going to buy The OC on DVD. I came back home to rewatch 2 episodes and it was as good as ever. I enjoyed it a lot. It's like my escape.

It was cool to meet up with Ryan after quite some time. Yeah! Best friends forever! Haha...
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