Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Passion - No Other Way To Live

The deaths of the 5 dragonboaters in Cambodia had an impact on a lot of us, despite not knowing them personally. They're all about our age and we know someone who knows someone who knows them. From what I've learned, they were all outstanding people of their respective communities. I'm saddened by their passing and what happened has also impressed upon me the fragility of life. We don't know when and where Death will take us. The only thing we have control over is what we're doing at the moment. I'm inspired by how they were living their dreams and following their passion. Some people go through their lives without feeling like they've lived, and these guys went through theirs pushing the boundaries, seeking adventure and living on the edge. I've got much respect for them.

It serves to remind us that we should live for the moment, and make every breath worth taking.

"When death becomes the reason for living,
Life however difficult it may be,
Doesn't seem so taunting..."
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