Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Yeah, they start tomorrow (actually today!) and I'm rather freaked about but I guess it'll be over by the time I know it. I know there's a lot of studying to be done, but I just can't continue! It's really taking every ounce of perserverance left in me to keep me from running away from this textbook. Heck. It's giving me a headache. And my brain's saturated, like everyone else's.

I think a lot of people were lying when they told me that Uni's easier than A levels!

The only kind of things I enjoyed these couple of days were having my meals with Daniel, Liqi and Yiping. Kind of feels like family. Haha... it's great to share that kind of connection. The way we all wake up early to cook our breakfast, or go off to Can 2 to have dinner and then plan what to cook for the next day's breakfast... Shopping for groceries and cooking just gives me the homely feeling. It would've been unbearable if not for them.

My mind's a blank now. Time to stuff it with more stuff so that there'd be stuff to throw up for exams tomorrow. I'm scared, I really am.

Because I know all of you are so good.
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