First and foremost, me and Wee Lee were late as we travelled from Woodlands. I had just came back from guard duty and told him that I would be slightly late but it turned out that he reached there later than me! Surprisingly enough, Si Zhen, Yvonne, Pek Har and Puay Leng were already there before us. The 6 of us then decided to go get a room at the higher level KBox. PL used her KBox card (which I really should get because I think I do frequent the place. Just that this has been the longest interval since I've went!) and we actually mentioned our situation to the nice lady at the counter who told us we could change a room if more than 8 people came.
A guy came over to take our order and he was pretty patient with our funny antics. We ordered Coke mostly. It was quite hilarious when he repeated the order as one cold lemon tea and then Yvonne gave a curious look and asked if there was hot lemon tea, to which she changed her order. And when he read out the lunch menu (inclusive of the price of 5+++ as five plus plus plus which made us even more blur) we all ordered the Thai Sauce Chicken.

Before we could finish ordering, Angeline made her grand entrance which involved a rather hilarious encounter with the waiter as well. We kicked off the entire thing with Tong Hua, which I don't exactly fancy. Anyway, we moved on to some Jolin songs and all, and our drinks were served after that.
If I'm not wrong (though there's a good chance that I could be because too many things happened and I wasn't exactly there with a videocam or something), we attempted to sing Shan Hu Hai, after failing to do justice to Fa Ru Xue. Okay, Wee Lee and I did okay with Fa Ru Xue, and it was so nice to hear everyone singing along to it as well. (Thus becoming this week's #1 on my chart!) I have a feeling the song will be this album's Qing Tian. I had no idea it was so immensely popular. Then, I'm disappointed to say that I didn't do justice to my absolute favourite Mai Ya Tang. Watched the video for the first time and it was pretty good though. As for Shan Hu Hai, Angeline, Wee Lee and I tried our bestest to sing, and mind you, there was SOME resemblance to the original. Just that it wasn't perfect.
Oh yeah, and after that TWJ arrived and got a chance to sing some Hokkien songs with Angeline. I haven't exactly heard them before but at least I actually know some of the more popular ones! Also I sang an F.I.R. song and Hen Hen Ai and Ai De Zhu Da Ge with Yvonne.

After that David popped by and he kicked off his singing saga with an Wu Yue Tian song, just that I cannot remember which one. He sang plenty of those, which served to educate me on their songs. They are pretty good and so was he (David for the next Ah Xin! :P), and I got a high on shouting the L.O.V.E. part of Lian Ai-ING while he was singing it with Angeline! Arhm, professsional groupie for ya. Also, he did K Ge Zhi Wang, which was fab.
After that one of the most memorable songs that we all sang was Chao Meng's (at the joking request of Yvonne) Bao Bei Dui Bu Qi. I was surprised I knew more of the song than I thought and all of us just went insane singing that song. After that, Sabrina made an entrance and she sang Trademark's Only Love.
Oh yeah, and another highlight for me was Edison's I Never Told You. David sort of reminded me about the song and we sang it together. It's one of the few songs that I know the rap to, and being such a big Edison fan, it would've been a waste not to attempt his song. Although I did mess up here and there (at some parts his pronunciation wasn't that clear anyway, so I couldn't remember them even after hearing it for the millionth time), I think on the whole, it still sounded good. My proudest moment would have to be Wang Lee Hom's Gong Zhuan Zhi Zhuan. I don't have an outstanding vocal range to attempt many songs but this is one of my favourites and I think... that I sang bloody well. With the help of Yvonne too of course!
There are just too many moments for me to recount and to write down all of them but basically that was it. (Oh, and my half-hearted attempt at Toxic and giving up because I couldn't bear to use my bimbo-seductive-outrageously-sexy voice and just ended up laughing and almost spilling my drink when the song came on cos singing Toxic isn't the most guy thing to do.) Yvonne left us a bit earlier to go meet up with her boyfriend. Each of us paid about $12, which was pretty worth it. Everyone had a chance to sing. Good stuff.

We got someone to take a group pic for us at Cine (and the security guard told the poor lass that she wasn't supposed to) and we apologised to her, but frankly I cannot see the RATIONALE behind not taking photos in a shopping center, so if you ever have a chance... take photos at shopping centers.
It was raining pretty heavily and we were very undecided as to where to go. Most of them had other pressing issues to attend to, and I wanted to treat them to an Earthquake but the weather was too cold for that, so WL, TWJ, David, Sab, Angeline and I went to take a walk around. It is outrageously FUN to go shopping with them, that I wonder why I don't do it more often. Okay, so shopping is kind of an expensive hobby and I promised myself that I will not be buying any more clothes on this island BUT the more you see, the more tempted you are at purchasing something. It just feels good. I don't know why. Did I mention that the temptation level went up a notch yesterday because it was payday? Yeah. But I didn't buy anything.
There's this shop called WH (Taka), and we have no idea why it's called that or what it stands for, but TWJ and Angeline bought stuff from there. The clothes there are very my style and I might've just tried some of them if I was in the mood of buying stuff. We also went to Stadium and was welcomed by a female voice singing You're Beautiful to a disco backing. Comments were overheard about the place being a cheapo ah-beng place in disguise but I ain't pointing fingers. Nobody ain't going to get the chance to sue. Although I could give some advice.
Play classic pop. Play Britney.
Oops, where was I? We contineud to walk around and it seems that everyone likes wearing sports apparel, but not doing sports in them! The irony! We took a trip to Kinokuniya and Angeline shed some light on some issues which... concerned me. I did sound a little indignant and all but I was glad for her point of view too. Anyway, that bookshop does have a lot of stuff to look at. When I'm free I just might pop by there again. After that we headed to take the train home but I'm SO SORRY I held everyone up by going to the toilet (which caused Dav and WL to be surveyed) and after that topping up my EZ-Link (the queue was f-ing long).
To summarise: I had a great time.
Okay, on to guard duty. (I think I should update on less serious stuff later, like music and entertainment and all.) First of all, I'd like to say that I'm REPULSED at the fact that it was a rainy and cloudy day but there was only once that I was able to escape from prowling. I am grateful for it still because it was the last one so I could have extended sleeping time. I slept through much of the morning and afternoon when I was not on duty because I was sick. Did I mention the atrocity of not having electricity that day until 9PM? Okay, so maybe there's a slight exaggeration there but not having light at night and the absence of working fans made it hell to take a good rest. To top it all off, we were lucky in extracting the hot water to cook our instant noodles because there wasn't much left after we were done with it!
So guard duty would probably have killed me, if I didn't have Terence around. Before I went for duty, I sort of took it for granted when quite a few people told me that it was going to be much easier because I got along fine with Terence and that we'd have plenty to talk about. However that turned out to be critical and it made all the difference. Doing the duty seemed so much easier, time passed a lot faster, everything uncomfortable was made more bearable. I'm not exaggerating here. Also, my long chat with him made me realise a lot of stuff about myself and my behavior. (Arhm, yay to me not looking like a QUIET NERD. :P) And also how I interact with other behavior and the solutions that I create to problems. It was amazing and we did a lot of silly things even discussing about some topics at length and making it almost like a game.
And of course for the very first time, a guard com told us to go prowl half a round because we came back too early. Indignance is an understatement.
Anyway, it was fun to go out in the rover to turn off the lights when it was raining (which would otherwise be done on foot). Loved the joyride. In appreciation for Terence being such a nice guard duty partner, I would like to announce to the world (don't act shy) that he is turning an OLD 2-0 years OLD next Wednesday.
In addition to all of that, there was my buddy who was doing orderly duty. It's damn cool to see him (to think he actually wanted to change duty! :O) because... of the way he doesn't take things too seriously (unlike yours truly) and relieves the terrible stress of guard duty. Yep. And the silly things we all did in the office like writing Jian Hong is a slacker, to which he had no response. It was only when I suggested a mere change of "a slacker" to "less handsome than *toot*" that he got rid of the words! Hilarious.
That's pretty much what I did during the weekend. Enjoyed myself a hell lot. More light hearted and SHORTER entries to come.

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