Okay, without further ado, here are some of my New Year resolutions for 2006 (which will be infinitely better than 2005, because I will MAKE IT)
01. Cook a family meal every two weeks
To contribute something to my family.
02. Organise one family activity a month
To have some family bonding, after a very crap attitude which I gave them last year, when they've given me so much love and support. Even though I disagree with their opinions, they are entitled to theirs, and me to mine. So I will be patient, learn from them, show love and concern to parents and siblings alike.
03. Play the piano well
A skill that I dedicated hours, days, months and years to learning. I cannot let it go down the drain and then be inept in it. This year, I will pick it up again with a vengence. If not to impress others, then at least to enrich myself with a higher level of a skill that I've already picked up
04. Travel out of Singapore twice
I need to broaden my perspective of life. I need to travel to see something different. I need the chance to be out of my comfort zone and to just explore. And also, I'm disgusted by the lack of unique shirts that can be found in Singapore as compared to the rest of the asian countries, and at more reasonable prices as well. I shall refrain from buying those in Singapore and go on a spree when I go overseas.
05. Write an essay about broad, general life matters once a month.
My dear platoon mates please do not be alarmed when you see me reading and writing intensely. It does look like I'm insane, or else overly hardworking, nerdy, and anti-social. But at the same time I'd like to learn about more stuff while I'm in NS. I don't want to be confined to the four walls of the bunk. I want to learn new things and gain new knowledge. And also practise what I feel I do best - writing.
06. Save $1 000 by the end of this year
I've heard that this was easy to do. Well then, at least it's feasible. I saved $0 at the end of 2005. So $1 000 is an achievement. End of.
07. Return Mr Cheng $400 by June
I've owed him the money for a tad too long. Time to clear the debt. Remember to question me and boo me if I haven't already done so by the given dateline.
08. Run 2.4km in 10 minutes
I'll do it.
09. Become fitter
Everyone wants to do it, but I really am going to put my mind to it because it helps to fill a shirt, it helps to feel good and most of all, the thrill of working out. Concentrating on doing the last chin up. At that moment, all your worries get pushed to the back of your mind and all you can think of is pushing yourself to do better. A distraction, stress reliever, and a good way to pass time.
10. Keep in contact with all my good friends.
I've had a crazy 2005 with my friends but I want more! Si Hua, Sequeena, Mak, Zhenhui, Shuming, my class peeps, OCIP gang, the whole lot of you, Sidney and Bravo 1. It's just going to get crazier. Really. I know I've screwed up a bit last year, but I was in army and I was still feeling around and learning to deal with everything.
It was a weird week in army. We all booked in and sort of expected to book out immediately! Memorable moments include us creating havoc, but still did a good job of the stores on Thursday. We (my section) were echoing commands and everything, having fun, yet doing it seriously. It was bloody cool, because there was really spirit there. Oh, and I didn't go for nights out, and had a great talk with Sgt Nicholas as well. Thanks GR for calling me and offering to buy for me Ramli's burger! I regretted when I actually thought I didn't want to eat anything. Rocks! And for everyone's concern. Yes, I was a little sick, and am still feeling quite lousy now (must have gotten Raj's fever), sniffing and all but I will be doing guard duty tomorrow. And I've gotten a design for our Book In/Out book, but it won't be girls. Leave the masturbation at HOME. LOL! Oh yeah, and got to sleep below for the first time on the double-decker. Must admit that my buddy's bed is very comfortable, but I'm not used to so many people sleeping beside me already! Haha... And of course there's doing this rather SK job with Jeffrey and YC, but at least for that one hour, I had purpose and got my mind off reading and sitting around.
To my bro, everything changes with time, but you decide whether it's for better or for worse. Everyone can just stop at this moment in time, reflect on what you really want, get rid of the things you don't in life and start afresh at this moment. It doesn't matter if it isn't 01Jan06 anymore. You still have the choice of making your life better, of doing things that matter to you. There's someone there for everybody, so just look out for them, cherish them, and keep them close to your heart.
Got guard duty tomorrow so you guys will be starved of my entries for 24 hours. LOL! I'm coming back soon tho'! Keep your cool!

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