Anyway, the past week has been crazy. My instructor really scolded me till I broke down. After that he had a two day MC and another guy took over. He was not gentle with me but continued pointing out my mistakes and was very patient in trying to make me understand what I've done wrong. He gave me a lot of chances to try out on things and I got understood the purpose of going through certain parts of the circuit. Yesterday my instructor came back and I was hell nervous because I was going to make my debut on the public road. Luckily enough, I've improved by leaps and bounds and so was rather free from scolding. I'm still not very good at changing gears and all that, but I've gained confidence to try it and improved on it. The course is in actualy fact rather tough. Although it allows me to stay out, it demands that I get enough rest, sleep early and sometimes even spend more time revising on the theory of it. I've got a test on Friday and I want to pass it the first time. However, I don't think it makes sense to study for it during CNY!
Yesterday I went out with Zhenhui to have Pizza Hut. I don't know why we always end up eating at PH. He was 20 minutes late although he came out early. 161 is a little bit rubbishy. We talked a lot about the jeep course because he belonged the the frame before mind and we shared a lot about our driving war stories. There was plenty to talk about, like the reckless taxis, stalling the engines when braking, instructors... all that kind of stuff. There was so much to talk about that after our 2 hour stint in PH, we were thirsty and breathless! Haha... bloody cool stuff.
After that we took a walk around and reminisce on our first meeting (together with Shuming who was having Reunion Dinner at her Maternal grandparents' place). It brought back a lot of memories. We also went to Civic Center to check out the Party World, which was mind-numbingly expensive. *REPULSED*
After that we stopped at the MRT station when Shuming called. We were actually thinking of where to go together because she was free. But I'm not exactly the most spontaneous person and both Zhenhui and I weren't really dressed for any cool 24-hour place. Moreover I was bloody tired from the lesson that day. I told you the course is draining all my energy (including the bloody time and cash it takes for transport).
This morning, I just talked to Jeffrey about his cruise trip and a lot of other stuff. It's hell great to hear from him again, and I'm glad that he enjoyed himself during his long break. It was not NOT BAD; it was good.

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