Moving on, we went to my maternal grandparent's place and once we reached there, they were ready to cook up a storm. I enjoy being there and being in the company of my cousins who are all around my age.

My brother, sister and two cousins, one of whom was nice enough to lend me the camera. I forgot to bring along mine. Okay, that's an excuse. I was kind of lazy and didn't bring a bag along! Oh man, my Dad just turned on some CNY VCD as I'm typing this and is blasting it using the speaker system. Everyone in the house'll be disturbed awake in no time!

The steamboat sure looks delicious, doesn't it! Ate quite a lot of stuff from there. In my family, the most favourite food item is undoubtedly the crabstick (which we nicknamed hong bai, red-white). And with the addition of the very green vegetables which served to add colour to the soup, it certainly looks appetising.

Me and my sister. Oops at the rather crappy photo though! Never mind, there'd be plenty of chance to take more today!

I shifted over to the BBQ table. It was the sole table with that was able to BBQ out of the 3 that were set up. The butter prawns were the most memorable and delicious. Also, there was an on-the-spot invention of prawn in egg! It smelled pretty good. Meat cooked on BBQ is also more satisfying to the taste buds! Haha...

My two brothers and I.

The table which was churning out all the BBQ good food! We received orders from our uncles even. It was quite cool when they said that the food tasted really good. Of course, it's all thanks to my grandparents who bought a whole lot of food and my grandma and aunt who prepared them. My cousin's an incredible cook too. I think it's in the genes. Hahaha...
After that we played a little bit of Blackjack, and then watched the CNY countdown show. It was quite hilarious at parts but there was obvious miming during the many singing sessions! It would've been nice if it was made to sound more LIVE though. Chris and Fann make a great couple, but they looked a tad awkward on stage together. Or maybe it's just Chris' awkward hairstyle. It takes awhile to get used to, so it isn't really that bad. I couldn't stand it when they got teased again before the countdown! And it seemed that no one could come up with anything better than having good health for CNY. Where's the Gong Xi Fa Cai?! I fell asleep during part of the show too!
Looking forward to all the CNY thingies going on today!
Jay and friends would like to wish us a Happy Chinese New Year!

Courtesy of mbies!

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