First up, I went to Causeway Point to have Carona Chicken for lunch. It tasted very good and I was glad that I was out, because if I were home, I'd probably be starving and waiting to eat some disgusting stuff from the coffeeshop downstairs. Seeing that it was still early, I went to Popular and bought a bloody expensive pen. I've decided I'm not going to lend it to anybody after my continous bout of disappearing pens. After that I went to Yishun to meet Sern Hong to get my 3 sets of uniform. I'm quite grateful for his mother for helping me sew on the rank (I'm finally a corporal! No longer LCP!) for a mere $9.
Travelled all the way to Westmall accompanied by my trusty (faulty more like it!) mp3 player churning out all the songs that I love. It's now loaded to the max, all 5 GB of it. I deleted Shania Twain's and Stephen Gately's album and added Janet's Damita Jo, Mariah Carey's The Emancipation of Mimi and Justin Timberlake's Justified.
Westmall is a place where I've had good and bad memories. Okay, so I don't really have bad memories there, it's just that I cannot get over the fact that I enjoyed myself there and I missed those times so much. Like how I celebrated my 14th birthday (WTF I'm 19 now!) in the company of 3 good friends. There were just stuff that I couldn't forget.
Anyway, I lost my ID tag due to the mistake of my dear brother. I shall keep it short. I dumped my clothes (including my ID tag and FAD) into a plastic bag. I threw it at the laundry area. It was near the rubbish-placement area. He thought it was rubbish and threw it away. If he hadn't been so frustrated by the fact that my parents were shouting at him to throw the rubbish, it might've occurred to him that the plasic bag actually contained clothes.
I walked two rounds around the place before messaging Guo Rui and asking for directions. It turned out that I did notice the shop, Green Adventurer (or some shit like that) but I thought it'd be something to do with Army. I actually thought the shop sold stuff for out-door people. Dumb. The aunty told me to come back in two hours because she was busy. By mistake, I asked her when she closed shop and she told me 9 45PM. This gave her the wrong impression that she had all the time in the world to do it for me.
I brought my swimming stuff along because my initial plan was to go the Woodlands Swimming Complex after completion of all these chores. However with 2 freaking hours to burn and good knowledge of Bukit Batok (I used to live there), I took a peek at the map available at the MRT station and walked my way to the pool at Bukit Batok.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that the place had undergone renovation (the last time I went there was in Sec 3/4). It looks spanking new and there's a pool with a water playground for kids. The changing room was spacious. To top it all off there weren't too many people and the sun was shining in all its glory (cliche!). I went for a 10 lap (that's 20 lengths right?) swim enthusiastically and got out feeling superbly refreshed. I don't know how exercise makes one feel physically tired but mentally hyped. Like someone had reformatted everything and the brain feels refreshed. I went to toilet, came out, laid down at the bench for a tan, before entering the pool again.
And before I could even finish the 2nd lap, it started raining. BOO. I got out of the pool and could see all the little kids with disappointment written all over their faces. Oh, and there were plenty of children there. It made me feel old. Terrible. I took out my stuff from the locker and took my time in the changing room. As fate would have it, after taking one last look at my tanned face in the mirror, I stepped out only to find that the rain had ended. And the kiddos were happily in the pool at their nosiest and rowdiest - as if it had never rained.
Feeling a tad hungry, I went to eat fish porridge at the food court and it was slammin' good. I then went to return my library book before heading down to collect my ID tag and as PREDICTED, the woman said she wasn't expecting me so early (after 2.5hours) and asked me to come back another 30 minutes later. I was about to murder her because my mp3 was feeling faulty (Britney and gang sounded like they were drowning) and on low batt, my bag was weighing me down with the uniforms and towel (bulky), and I was sick of walking! I took another trip to the library and read the interview with Daniel Ong, my all time favourite DJ, on The Sunday Times before going back. She was so busy, she couldn't be bothered looking at me as she just dumped the ID tag to me.
I went back to Woodlands and paid my handphone bill. I have now, a 3 digit number starting with 3 in my bank account.
I am repulsed.
Anyway, visited the library to borrow books. There'd be a lot of travelling and maybe even waiting these few days so I need some stuff to keep me entertained.
It's been a busy day, but I enjoyed it immensely. It's like... task completed, mission accomplished.

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