First and foremost, a very happy birthday to Terence Chua and Jay Chou who celebrated it yesterday, on the 18th January!
Secondly, yesterday was kind of insane because we took our first test ever, which was something to do with Highway Codes. Anyway, all of our platoon passed, with Zhicon, Guo Fei, Kenneth and ME scoring 50/50! I was quite happy with that for that moment, but fell into deep, inescapable boredom when the lectures resumed. They were important, and it was sometimes entertaining but sitting and staring at the board from 8-5 is not a very healthy experience. Too much passiveness.
At night, the house got a surprised call by my father. He wasn't feeling well these few days and already went to visit doctors (like 2 or 3 of them) and all. He called back saying that he had checked himself into TTSH, and he couldn't move. My mom and I rushed down to the hospital thanks to my uncle, with his wife, who drove us there. I tried my best to keep my cool and tried to make my mother less nervous. She entered the waiting area after taking her temperature. My dad came out after awhile and said that the doctor concluded that it was because of stress. The doctor somehow massaged his chest and relaxed the tension, causing him to feel normal again. We went to the petrol station where he left his cab and drove home. When I finally got to bed, it was already 12 midnight.
This morning I was surprised to receive an SMS from David asking me if I was free for the night. I replied and looked forward to meeting him at the end of the day. It was what got me through the computer lesson for today. It wasn't really boring, but some things are rather repetitive and caused a tiny bit of frustration, although it was supposed to be a rather relaxed day on the whole.
Anyway, I finally found a shorter way home (by taking 59 to TP and then the train). I met him at the Woodlands MRT station after taking a quick detour home to change into my civilian clothes. I met him at 1830. He came straight from camp (and has off tomorrow!). We had a hell of a time eating dinner at the food court, where he had his Mee Pok with plenty of fishballs, despite having cohesion dinner. And I had curry chicken, which was horrible for my sorethroat and ulcers but I just couldn't resist it! We sat there and talked all the way till about 8 PM, long after we finished our dinner. The topics that we talked about ranged from music, people, our MYJC days, army/navy and tonnes of other stuff. It's been a hell long time since I enjoyed such great company.
We then went shopping a little at Music Junction but didn't buy anything. However Dav found some stuff worthy of his money at Comics Connection! After glancing about and seeing Ichigo and discussing how pretty Hebe was, we went to Akun Kaya (don't really know how to spell that!) and had tea. It's kind of funny having tea in the lateness of the night. We then went to take a walk at the MRT station looking over the view of Woodlands, which didn't look as good as normal! Walked to the coffeeshop at my place and sat around to talk some more about almost everything under the sun. Had tea AGAIN, but this time it was Green Tea and Wintermelon! Headed for home at 2230, which if I were in camp would've been my usual sleeping time. I'm too used to it already.
Thanx David!
My Buddy messaged me and said that we were in the same team and Sgt Shawn was our team com. We don't know who is the other pioneer in our team, but I think it's kind of cool I get to work with two of them again. Although I kind of expected it myself! It's times like these that I miss camp! Oops. Bloody hell, I'll have to leave house in like 6 hours to go for my course. Bah.
Looking forward to a movie with Mak tomorrow and when Zhenhui passes his ATP, we'd be going out with Shuming to Holland V on Saturday! Can't help looking forward to this weekend - it's more happening than usual!

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