Monday, May 22, 2006

No Topic

This is mainly a post where I rant. No topic, no nothing.

To begin, I passed my Basic Theory Test. I felt really lucky. It's true that I've passed the Highway Code Test when I was learning how to drive the jeep, but that was 3 months ago! I could hardly remember anything when I flipped through the booklet again last night. I ended up reading for an hour, before falling asleep. I blame Mariah's Greatest Hits CD! When I woke up, it was already midnight. Disgusted by my lack of discipline, I decided that it was no longer feasible to be studying, and I dragged myself to bed. It had really been a very jam-packed and fun-filled weekend, that I had to take the whole Sunday to recover from it! Anyways, I took the test today and was relieved to pass it.

When I return to bunk today, I'll just collapse on the freaking bed. I just want time to pass quickly, and I think there's no better way than to sleep through it. There's IPPT tomorrow anyway, so I think it's a perfect excuse to for me to get all the rest I can get. I hope I manage to grow wings tomorrow, because I think the best I can do for SBJ is to barely pass it. Pathetic.

It's raining. Just makes booking in all the more sickening. Will I be able to step into camp, dry?

Oh and I've finished watching The OC Season 2. I've decided to try my best to stay away from Season 3 till June. I don't want to finish it all that quickly. And from all the hoo-haa that's going on about the show recently, I know who's the major character who dies at the end of that season. Terrible stuff. I don't think it'll ever be the same again. They've got to find really good characters to replace that person! Oh, and I have DH Season 2 to conquer as well!

I've decided to stay home during June because I've spent too much this month. I've only managed to save $170 bucks, instead of the $200 that I wanted to! And the freaking Thailand trip is only one month away. I plan to get stuff for some people too, so I've to save up even more. It's torture to not be able to go out. Especially since I take off so often nowadays. I've got to restrict that too, so I won't spend money. Hell, maybe I should go buy some weekend duty. At some rotten prices. That way I'd be able to not spend money, have my food provided for, and on top of all that, earn a few bucks!

But I don't like being in camp!

I've been skiving on my workout. I need to make the most of my free time in army to do it. Or else! I've not been to the gym. I'm feeling scrawny. I've to get in shape for the photo-taking event of the year! My Thailand trip! Luckily the people I'm going with are quite the cam-whores too, so there'll be no shortage of trigger-happy people! Haha... it seems that I've been brainwashed or something. Now, my entire life revolves around getting ready for it. Actually, I just need something to look forward to, something to justify all my suffering in army. Oh, I'll have to deal with this horrible haircut before I leave. As well as my face. Hmmm, I'm being self-absorbed/obsessed again.

Doesn't everybody, once in awhile?

My social life is sort of working itself out now. I'm happy. Fulfilled. Even when it's in bad shape, like it was a month or two ago, I still have other stuff to entertain myself with. I guess life's like that. It has its highs and lows, with change being the only constant (how cliche is that!). The feeling of getting to know new people is great. Interacting with them develops different parts of my character, some parts I didn't even know existed. They say that the company you keep reflects who you are. I believe that, and at the same time, they bring out different parts of you. It's crazy but I feel myself becoming a little more talkative, extrovert in nature, more senstive and caring... Things that I never thought I'd be in the past.

Maybe I used to take more than I give.

I cannot believe I'm growing up so quickly. Yes, Harry Potter learnt the hard way that when you're looking forward to something, time starts to crawl. When you're fearful or reluctant for the event to happen, time has a habit suddenly speeding up and before you know it, you're facing it! For me, one of those things would be facing my 20th Birthday! I'll be like damn freaking old! I thought I'd experience a lot more partying, a lot more nastiness, a lot more maturity before I turn the big 2-0. It'll be like I spent my youth creating the most havoc and getting the most out of life!

All I've experience this year, is how slowly time's passing when I'm waiting for 6th Nov to come.

I want to ORD!!!
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