Saturday, May 27, 2006

X-Men 3 - The Last Stand

I can safely say that although I'm somewhat disappointed with the movie, I still loved it tremendously. Just that it fell short of my 5/5 expectations. It's about 4.5 I think! Haha... okay, so maybe I'm overrating it but still, when my favourite catoon (I know it started as a comic, but I don't read comics!) superheroes get their chance to hit the big screen, I ain't going to be satisfied by watching it on DVD!

It's bold and action-packed, but I feel that it could've used a bit more character development. Well, there has to be some sort of compromise when you're squeezing so many characters into one story! One has to be vaguely familiar with the storyline and the superbly beefed and spectacular cast to really enjoy the unique qualities of the various mutants. There's talk that the first 2 movies are better than this one, but then it is very hard to fill Bryan Singer's shoes! Can't believe he'd rather do Superman. For that - BOO! That being said, Brett Ratner did a decent enough job on this one. He's a specialist great action scenes, and it shows!

A very memorable scene for me was Angel as a kid, trying to get rid of his wings in the toilet. There was blood everywhere. He was using all kinds of heavy tools to cut them out of his very flesh. The pain must've been excruciating, but it couldn't have been worse than when his father barged in and he had the look of utmost devastation when his father saw that he was a mutant. I'm repulsed at the fact that this character had so little screen time. He has a crucial role to play, but all they did with him was mere moments of stunning flying scenes, and a short couple of lines to make Storm keep the school open.

There are tonnes of underlying messages in this movie, all of them not represented exceedingly well, but they're there. Like the aforementioned father-son-expectation thing. Also, as stated in the press, a couple of actors took on the role again, because the mutant X gene was metaphoric of so many things in the real world. Then there's also a question of whether violence solves the problem - or does actively championing the cause like Magneto get the job done.

The men of X-Men at Cannes.

Essentially a testosterone-charged movie, the ladies also managed to steal the thunder (yay Storm!) a couple of times. Phoenix and Storm played pivotal roles. And Mystique looked good in person, naked. And I've got to say Phoenix nearly had me peeing in my pants (yes, I'm that into the movie) because of how awesomely powerful she was. It's crazy because I was imagining all the things that she was capable of and how it was almost impossible to stop her, especially after she killed a very powerful mutant on her own! I'm not going to ruin it for those who haven't watched it (but by this time, I think half the world has already!), so I'll keep my mouth shut. The final showdown where she was killed (oops! but it's the how that's interesting) was super dramatic too. Fantastic stuff.

Can I, once again, state that Halle Berry looked hot. Especially in that semi-see-through black blouse of hers. Woah.

And this is probably my favourite X-Men in the movie. Played by Shawn Ashmore (whom I first spotted as "fearless" leader Jake in the Animorphs TV series), Iceman had a bit of character development in this instalment, being one of the few X Men left for the final showdown as well as the fight with his nemesis Pyro. And that very romantic ice-skating scene. It's amazing how powers can be used for romance and the like too!

The guy looks like he's my age, but he's actually 27! Gosh. And he has a twin brother. Who's older than him by a minute. I am so full of useless information.

And if there was a cure, I'd help destroy it. That's my stand at least. But I think that depends on what my powers are. If I were Rogue, I'd probably take it. If I were the Beast, I might too. If I were Mystique, I'd consider. If I were Iceman, I wouldn't. So many ifs.

I'm a fucking hypocrite.

Alright, if you haven't watched it, you know what to do.

Take a stand.
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